Food and Land Use India (FOLU India) Action Coalition for Responsible Sourcing & Trade of Commodities (FOLU India CREST).
A farmer uses Ghanajeeamruth in his Banana Plantation in Agrapally Village./ Atul Loke for Panos Pictures/Food and Land Use Coalition

Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) India has launched its first action coalition in India. This action coalition brings together four organisations, viz. Centre for Responsible Business (CRB), IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative India, WWF India, and World Resource Institute India (WRI India). The action coalition has been named as Food and Land Use India (FOLU India) Action Coalition for Responsible Sourcing & Trade of Commodities (in short FOLU India CREST).
India is an importer of commodities where the production or harvest of which is known to be associated with deforestation in the source countries like oilseeds, timber, rubber etc. India is also involved in the export of water intensive agriculture crops and products like rice, cotton, sugar, etc. Therefore, India’s foreign trade regime and practices should be aligned with our position as a leader globally on various environmental and climate related issues/initiatives.
Considering the nature of the Indian market and the fact that it is an emerging economy in terms of global agriculture production, it is essential to engage the government as well as companies in global supply chain efforts. While India has already initiated efforts to ensure the sustainability of its global trade supply chains, it is vital to continue engaging in the right direction through collaboration with governments of partner countries, business groups and other stakeholders.
- To identify India’s position and potential as a steward in promoting sustainable and responsible international supply chains, especially – in the global south, by setting an example, of pushing the agenda in international forums (e.g., G7, G20).
- To identify the potential for India to set examples for balancing between domestic and distant sustainability issues as a consumer country
- To address issues as a producer country regarding intensifying domestic production and addressing policy and other gaps in strengthening the export supply chains as more sustainable ones.
India is an importer of commodities where the production or harvest of which is known to be associated with deforestation in the source countries like oilseeds, timber, rubber etc. India is also involved in the export of water intensive agriculture crops and products like rice, cotton, sugar, etc. Therefore, India’s foreign trade regime and practices should be aligned with our position as a leader globally on various environmental and climate related issues/initiatives.
Considering the nature of the Indian market and the fact that it is an emerging economy in terms of global agriculture production, it is essential to engage the government as well as companies in global supply chain efforts. While India has already initiated efforts to ensure the sustainability of its global trade supply chains, it is vital to continue engaging in the right direction through collaboration with governments of partner countries, business groups and other stakeholders.
- To identify India’s position and potential as a steward in promoting sustainable and responsible international supply chains, especially – in the global south, by setting an example, of pushing the agenda in international forums (e.g., G7, G20).
- To identify the potential for India to set examples for balancing between domestic and distant sustainability issues as a consumer country
- To address issues as a producer country regarding intensifying domestic production and addressing policy and other gaps in strengthening the export supply chains as more sustainable ones.
- To identify India’s position and potential as a steward promoting sustainable and responsible international supply chains, especially – in the global south, by setting an example, by pushing the agenda in international forums (e.g., G7, G20).
- To identify the potential for India to set examples for balancing between domestic and distant sustainability issues as a consumer country
- To address issues regarding intensifying domestic production and addressing policy and other gaps in strengthening the export supply chains as more sustainable ones as a producer country.
The Partners Meeting was held on 7 January 2025 and explored the importance of collaboration with the private sector for CREST, as well as highlighting the need to leverage Partner strengths. Concise next steps were tabled by Partners as CREST moves forward into what is known as Phase 3 of the overarching programme. Read the Minutes of the Meeting here.
The session ‘Policy Dialogue on Responsible Sourcing in Agri-Food Aligning Trade Policy with Sustainable Consumption’ was co-hosted with FOLU India CREST Partners at ISS 2024. The objectives of the session were as follows:
Exploring the role of trade policy landscape in promoting sustainable consumption in the overarching context of responsible sourcing
Aligning sustainable consumption with trade policy from the perspective of responsible sourcing
Bringing the perspectives of trade policy and sustainable consumption together given the agenda of responsible sourcing in agri-food value chains
Click here to watch.

The Partners Meeting held on 19 September 2024 consisted of the sharing of a couple of events that Partners are involved with. This included a deep dive into structuring the FOLU India CREST co-hosted session at this year’s edition of Centre for Responsible Business’ annual flagship event. In addition, the Meeting adopted a forward looking perspective as many Partners agreed that a Retreat in December 2024 would be an opportunity for stock-taking of CREST Activities thus far and brainstorming on the Way forward. Read the Minutes of the Meeting here.
The Partners Meeting held on 24 July 2024 consisted of the sharing of sectoral inputs and insights by all partners, including the importance of involvement of the private sector, among others, as well as touched upon planning for this year’s edition of the FOLU India CREST co-hosted session at the India and Sustainability Standards Dialogues and Conference, 2024. Read the Minutes of the Meeting here.
The Partners Meeting held on 15 May 2024 had a Way Forward perspective, while touching upon some of the changes for the Global FOLU PMU structure that should be kept in mind. Read the short summary here.
The session ‘Responsible Sourcing of Agri -commodities: Challenges and Opportunities’, was co-hosted with FOLU India CREST Partners at ISS 2023. The objectives of the session were as follows :
- Implications on Responsible Sourcing by on-going trends, such as market volatility, respective international agreements
- To understand the actions and best practices of the private sector, namely, agri-commodity companies to integrate sustainable sourcing in their respective supply chains.
Click here to watch the session recordings :Â
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 22 September 2023 featured discussions on planning for ISS 2023, amongst other Discussion Points. Read the full MOM here.
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 5 April 2023 featured discussions on Fundraising strategy by FOLU CREST partners. Read the MOM hereÂ
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 20 February 2023 featured discussions on positioning of FOLU India CREST at G20 proceedings, fundraising opportunities, amongst other Discussion Points. Read the full MOM here.Â
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 20 December 2022 featured discussions on the development of knowledge outputs as part of the CREST Initiative as well as points pertaining to Fundraising. Read the MOM hereÂ
 Please watch the proceedings of the session co-hosted with FOLU India CREST Partners at ISS 2022 with the objectives being :
1)Exploration of pathways to ensure sustainability in business models of companies in relation to sourcing and procurement with a win-win situation for the business and environment and societies as well as
2)Discussion on best practices and challenges in integrating sustainable practices in value chains of Forest and Agri linked commodities to ensure the sustainability interventions within and beyond the reporting requirements.Â
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 30 August 2022 featured discussions on the session to be held at this year’s edition of the India and Sustainability Standards Conference. Other key items have been added as part of Action Points to meet one of the Initiative’s key objectives, which is to to build and strengthen India’s position as a steward of responsible sourcing and trade. Read the MOM here
After the official launch of the CREST initiative at the India Sustainability Standards conference held in 2021, a quarterly Partners’ Meeting under FOLU India CREST program was organised on 26 April, 2022. The lead up to the partners meeting entailed the holding of Stakeholderconsultations. During this time, Centre for Responsible Business was identified as the Co- ordinating Unit for FOLU CREST. An agenda of the meeting was shared with all partners prior to the meeting. Read the full discussion here
During this session, the FOLU India Action Council for Responsible Sourcing & Trade of Commodities (FOLU India-CREST) was launched and the proceedings of the multi-stakeholder consultation conducted as a part of the Forest, Agriculture, and Commodity Trade (FACT) dialogue was released. Each partner in the action coalition will briefly talk about their significance and role in the coalition. The sessions also featured a moderated panel discussion on, ‘Balancing Sustainable Land use with Agriculture & Forest linked Commodities Trade’.  View the recording here
- As a first activity, a multi-stakeholder consultation was conducted on 13th of July 2021 involving a total of 43 expert stakeholders. The participants were grouped under three tracks based on there areas of expertise and practice. Recommendations emerging from the conversation have been enumerated below under the three broad heads.
- View the full report here
- As a first activity, a multi-stakeholder consultation was conducted on 13th of July 2021 involving a total of 43 expert stakeholders. The participants were grouped under three tracks based on there areas of expertise and practice. Recommendations emerging from the conversation have been enumerated below under the three broad heads.
- View the full report here
During this session, the FOLU India Action Council for Responsible Sourcing & Trade of Commodities (FOLU India-CREST) was launched and the proceedings of the multi-stakeholder consultation conducted as a part of the Forest, Agriculture, and Commodity Trade (FACT) dialogue was released. Each partner in the action coalition will briefly talk about their significance and role in the coalition. The sessions also featured a moderated panel discussion on, ‘Balancing Sustainable Land use with Agriculture & Forest linked Commodities Trade’.  View the recording here
After the official launch of the CREST initiative at the India Sustainability Standards conference held in 2021, a quarterly Partners’ Meeting under FOLU India CREST program was organised on 26 April, 2022. The lead up to the partners meeting entailed the holding of Stakeholderconsultations. During this time, Centre for Responsible Business was identified as the Co- ordinating Unit for FOLU CREST. An agenda of the meeting was shared with all partners prior to the meeting. Read the full discussion here
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 30 August 2022 featured discussions on the session to be held at this year’s edition of the India and Sustainability Standards Conference. Other key items have been added as part of Action Points to meet one of the Initiative’s key objectives, which is to to build and strengthen India’s position as a steward of responsible sourcing and trade. Read the MOM here
 Please watch the proceedings of the session co-hosted with FOLU India CREST Partners at ISS 2022 with the objectives being :
1)Exploration of pathways to ensure sustainability in business models of companies in relation to sourcing and procurement with a win-win situation for the business and environment and societies as well as
2)Discussion on best practices and challenges in integrating sustainable practices in value chains of Forest and Agri linked commodities to ensure the sustainability interventions within and beyond the reporting requirements.Â
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 20 December 2022 featured discussions on the development of knowledge outputs as part of the CREST Initiative as well as points pertaining to Fundraising. Read the MOM hereÂ
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 20 February 2023 featured discussions on positioning of FOLU India CREST at G20 proceedings, fundraising opportunities, amongst other Discussion Points. Read the full MOM here.Â
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 5 April 2023 featured discussions on Fundraising strategy by FOLU CREST partners. Read the MOM hereÂ
The Quarterly Partners Meeting held on 22 September 2023 featured discussions on planning for ISS 2023, amongst other Discussion Points. Read the full MOM here.
The session ‘Responsible Sourcing of Agri -commodities: Challenges and Opportunities’, was co-hosted with FOLU India CREST Partners at ISS 2023. The objectives of the session were as follows :
- Implications on Responsible Sourcing by on-going trends, such as market volatility, respective international agreements
- To understand the actions and best practices of the private sector, namely, agri-commodity companies to integrate sustainable sourcing in their respective supply chains.
Click here to watch the session recordings :Â
The Partners Meeting held on 15 May 2024 had a Way Forward perspective, while touching upon some of the changes for the Global FOLU PMU structure that should be kept in mind. Read the short summary here.
The Partners Meeting held on 24 July 2024 consisted of the sharing of sectoral inputs and insights by all partners, including the importance of involvement of the private sector, among others, as well as touched upon planning for this year’s edition of the FOLU India CREST co-hosted session at the India and Sustainability Standards Dialogues and Conference, 2024. Read the Minutes of the Meeting here.
The Partners Meeting held on 19 September 2024 consisted of the sharing of a couple of events that Partners are involved with. This included a deep dive into structuring the FOLU India CREST co-hosted session at this year’s edition of Centre for Responsible Business’ annual flagship event. In addition, the Meeting adopted a forward looking perspective as many Partners agreed that a Retreat in December 2024 would be an opportunity for stock-taking of CREST Activities thus far and brainstorming on the Way forward. Read the Minutes of the Meeting here.
For further information, please contact
Ms. Nitya Chhiber
Senior Programme Officer
Phone: +91 (11) 41088853