Mining and Minerals
Sandstone Supply Chain Study in Rajasthan
The study by CRB provides a broader understanding of the role of business, socioeconomic and political context of the sandstone industry in Kota and Bundi districts of Rajasthan in India, with the specific goal of understanding how the rights of children are impacted. The findings aim to contribute to a change in business practices and ultimately a change for the children and their families who live near, work in or depend on the sandstone industry in India.
Mica: The Shimmering Star of Jharkhand
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Sustainable and Inclusive Mica Industry of Jharkhand
A roadmap was prepared to provide guidance for the mica industry in Jharkhand in its journey towards sustainable and inclusive growth. This acts as a good starting point for professionals and organizations to take further concrete steps for the sustainability of the mica sector. This roadmap can be used as a handbook by the policymakers, industry, NGOs to set priorities, goals and targets for respective pillars of sustainability for the revival and sustainability of the mica industry.
Supporting Responsible Mica Initiatives Multi-Stakeholder Platform
CRB is supporting Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI) to develop a practical guide for developing and operationalizing a Multi-Stakeholder Platform in mica in India. This will act as a guidebook for setting up MSP on mica laying down the processes, steps and action required to set up the platform, manage it and periodically assess its achievements and impacts. This is a first of a kind document being prepared in the mica sector in India. This document relies on the experience of CRB, which has since 2015/16 developed a number of such platforms with varying degrees of success. This framework links theory with practice and provides a model and set of principles to guide the design, tips on facilitation and management of MSP.
District Mineral Foundation
Assessment of DMFs in select Districts of Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan
Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) has worked on a research project titled ‘Creating Effective District Mineral Foundations for Sustainable Mining Communities in India’ in partnership with Social Xleration across select districts (Chittorgarh and Bhilwara) of Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh (Korba and Janjgir – Champa) in India. This project highlights the state of DMFs in these districts and provide recommendation for improving the effectiveness of DMFs for welfare of mining affected communities/people. It emphasizes on replicating good practices across other districts in the state.