TEEB Agri Food
TEEB Agri Food
Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) has partnered with The Capitals Coalition as the implementation partner for the project TEEB Agri Food, funded by European Union. TEEB for Agriculture & Food (TEEB Agri Food) project aims to protect biodiversity and contribute to a more sustainable agriculture and food sector in seven EU partner countries: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico and Thailand
CRB’s goal is to engage with the agri-business networks in India & communicate the project’s work to relevant businesses and offer insights and perspectives into the project as it progresses.
The agri-food sector significantly depends on well-functioning ecosystems that can provide such services as pollination, biological plant protection and pest control, water regulation, soil formation, erosion prevention etc. However, the biodiversity and landscapes that provide these critical ecosystem services are being depleted and degraded at unprecedented rates, in large part by the agri-food sector itself, causing further problems in terms of human health and livelihoods.
This constitutes a significant risk to business operations. To mitigate this risk, there is a serious need to address:
(i) a lack of awareness of the dependencies of agri-business on ecosystems and biodiversity, and
(ii) the treatment of nature as a ‘public good’ implying that, although environmental stewardship has a social net benefit, individual private agents (such as farmers and agri-businesses) are not incentivized to conserve nature.

Register now for TEEB Agri Food for Business Training Program (for businesses only)
Join us for the TEEB Agri Food for Business training program, offered by the Capitals Coalition in collaboration with the Centre for Responsible Business (CRB).
The training program is an opportunity for you to learn and hone skills to measure and value your business’ impacts and dependencies on natural, social and human capital. Guiding you through each stage of the TEEB Agri Food Operational Guidelines a tool for businesses, this program will arm you with the knowledge to identify the risks and opportunities associated with your business’ interaction with the capitals, and learn how to integrate and apply these considerations into your business decision making.
By participating in the training program, you will:
- Gain essential tools to future-proof your business, free of charge
- Carry out a capitals assessment on a particular area/subject of relevance to your (case study) and build baseline evidence
- Be part of and interact with a international network of businesses and expert practitioners
- Have the opportunity to showcase your case study and work to an international group of frontrunners
Register here to save a spot.
Launch of TEEBAgrifood Operational Guidelines for Business, 14 September 2023
The TEEBAgrifood for Business project has launched the final TEEBAgrifood Operational Guidelines for Business, alongside an introductory Primer. The Guidelines enable the agrifood sector to build resilience, mainstream best practice, protect biodiversity and contribute to a more sustainable food system.
Read more about TEEB Agrifood Operational Guidelines for Businesses.
Read more about Primer to the TEEB Agrifood Operational Guidelines to Businesses.
TEEB AgriFood for Business Closing Session, 17 February, 2022
CRB and Capitals Coalition conducted the closing session for TEEB AgriFood for Business, Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sector’. The session consisted of a keynote address by Dr Ashok Dalwai who elaborated a global perspective on food system transformation and the importance of business action. There were also case studies presented by Arvind, Go4Fresh and Ecociate who incorporated the methodology in their decision making. The session concluded with a discussion on next steps for the Hub in India.
Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture & Food Sector, 9 & 11th February 2021
CRB & the Capitals Coalition co-hosted a virtual roundtable discussion to review and discuss the Agri-food Operational Guideline that has been developed by Capitals Coalition under the aegis of The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEB Agri Food). The guidelines were presented to a wide range of stakeholders, and participants were given the opportunity to learn, provide comments and input into the development process.
Training Programs conducted in 2021
Webinar based training was provided in 2021 on 29 April, 17 June, 29 July and 23 September to selected stakeholders of the agricultural value chain based in India. The webinars provided an opportunity to measure and value business’ impacts and dependencies on natural, social and human capital.
Read more about the tool for businesses guidance was provided on each stages.
Read more about complete case studies.
TEEB Agri Food Business Implementation Project Launch, 29th April 2020
CRB and the Capitals Coalition organised a live webinar on ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sector’, for the launch of the TEEB Agri Food business implementation project by UNEP in India, on 29th April 2020.
Read MoreActivities
Capacity Building of Businesses of Indian Food sector
CRB along with Capitals Coalition is working on a module to train the Indian businesses of Indian agri food sector including food processing companies, industry associations that work with businesses along the agri food value chain and agricultural technology solution providers
The module will be used for a webinar on TEEB for Agriculture and Food: Operational Guidelines for Business Adoption in India to be held in February/March 2024. The objective of conducting the webinar will be to train professionals who are interested in the capitals approach and the TEEB guidelines, and will either deploy them in their own business or for their business partners. The professionals to be trained will be from Indian businesses in the agri-food sector including food processing companies, industry associations that work with businesses along the agri food value chain, agricultural technology solution providers, and think-tank and consultancies that work with agri-food business companies.
Furthermore, this will also be integrated into the CPD Continuous Professional Development Course to be developed by Capitals Coalition and CRB on the Capitals approach for Indian businesses that will be conducted in summer 2024. The TEEB operational guideline module will form 20% of overall training content to be delivered.
For further information, please contact
Siya C. Batra
Manager – Marketing & Outreach
Email: Siya@c4rb.in
Phone: +91 (11) 41088853
Rijit Sengupta
Chief Executive Officer
Email: Rijit@c4rb.in
Phone: +91 (11) 41088853